About Us

The Southern California Institute for Research and Education (SCIRE) is a non-profit institution affiliated with the VA Long Beach Healthcare System (VALBHCS) in Long Beach, CA.

In 1988 Congressional legislation enabled VA medical centers with research programs to establish affiliated non-profit corporations (NPCs). The purpose of each NPC is to support and promote research and educational programming that benefits Veterans.

Formerly known as the Long Beach Research Foundation, incorporated on January 23, 1989, under Public Law 100-322, the Southern California Institute for Research and Education changed its name in October 2000 to reflect and include its increased focus on educational activities.

SCIRE works with federal agencies, pharmaceutical sponsors, foundations, and the VA to conduct research to improve Veteran health and wellness. SCIRE also works with the VA Employee Education System (EES) and corporate sponsors to provide training opportunities for VA staff, patients and caregivers.

The research projects administered by SCIRE are VA peer-reviewed and approved by the Research and Development Committee, which has overall responsibility for all research at VALBHCS. Educational activities must be approved by the VALBHCS Education Committee or the EES. Research and educational programming is conducted by VA investigators within VA Long Beach’s Healthcare System.

The organization is governed by a Board of Directors, which includes several members of the medical center’s executive leadership, research physicians and community representatives.